M u l t i - m e d i a • V i d e o • P h o t o • 3 D V i s u a l i z a t i o n • C A D |
Add TextAdd captions, logos, or other information to a photograph to make it easier to identify the image. Examples would include but are not limited to, corporate materials, invitations, announcements or anything else you could imagine to personalize your special photograph. Graduation, retirement, birth or marriage announcements, special occasions and holidays are a great way to pass along your families news. A photo is worth a thousand words, but putting a few of your words on the photo is a great way to pass along your message. Adding text to a photograph that has special effect added to it is a great way to provide details of that special event. If you are looking for more unique ways to tell about your family, organization or a special event, please consider one of our best selling items; the Pocket Full of MemoriesTM Video. Samples
Sample 1 of added text - Family or Group Photos
Sample 2 of added text - Birthdays or Special Events
Sample 3 of added text - Children
Sample 4 of added text - Professional 8x10 Glossy
Sample 5 of added text - Sonagram |